Eye Witness 2: Captain Heinrich Bauer


 Well, being that Lehmann is the higher ranking captain, I was a little thrown off with the amount of work he let me do. Landing the ship is not anything I have not done before, but never before on a ship that was manned by both the Captain and myself. Granted, we are mainly delegating and shouting orders as the ruddermen and the navigators are responsible for the actual maneuvering, but Captain Lehmann takes a lot of pride in a job well done. Anyway, I remember that the first sign of trouble was the engineer shouting that the pressure gauges were off, and then moments later a machinist from one of the engine cars came bursting in screaming that the vessel was on fire! I immediately told him to find the captain. Captain Lehmann arrived in the cockpit a moment later  but he was barely able to mutter a word before he was knocked unconscience by flying debris. The rest of us did our best to go through our emergency landing routine, but the crash happened so fast that it is hard to recall anything of value as to the why or how. I am sorry I cannot be more help.

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