After reading all expert and eye witness testimonies, which witness do you feel has given the most helpful information? Why?

Why is it beneficial to get both expert and eye witness accounts?

When you watched the video of the crash, what did you notice about the Hindenburg's demise?  Did the paint catch fire first?  Did the flames come from inside the airship?  Was it a slow burn?  Was there an explosion?  Describe what you saw.

What do you think was the cause of the Hindenburg disaster?  Which witness or witnesses helped influence your opinion?

Consider for a moment that the Hindenburg disaster was a sabotage.  Why do you think somebody would want to destroy the German airship?  Click here for some background on the Hindenburg.

Why was it a bad idea to use hydrogen as the gas to fly the airship? Why was it chosen anyway? Give at least three reasons for each. Need help? Try this site!

The Hindenburg disaster has several different theories regarding what actually caused the horrific demise. One partner choose a position while the other takes the other (sabotage or static ignition) and defend your theory. Both of you be sure to provide support from sources provided and include witness testimony. Both partners should be able to take either side and defend it as you may be asked to do this in front of the class. (This exercise should help in your final conclusion.)

It is time for you and your partner to come up with your final theory. Remember the FAA is expecting their report ASAP!! Be sure to include what you think happened, why it occured, which witnesses' theory most closely resembled yours, and how you came to your conclusion.